Blahhhhhhde Blahhhhhh

FRIENDS, Guitar Hero, Fashion (even though I rarely look fashionable), Music, lots.

Kristen, 21, Morgantown, there you have it

Images taken from foto decadent.
Textures & brushes used from gender and JC.
Layout by colbydageek

Friday, December 15, 2006 // 2:10 AM
'nough said.

Candyyy Mountainnnn
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 // 11:32 AM
Today's gonna be interesting. That's what I always tell myself. Today hasn't been so interesting as of yet, but the day is still young of course. I'm basically sitting here listening to Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Casie was playing it while I was in the bath and I was like, "ohhh yeah..." So I decided to partake in the more raunchier sounding christmas music. I like it because it is more solid and really more my style. I'm all squeaky clean, but of course I just put pjs right back on. I'm more comfortable and I plan on taking a nap here sometime. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the final I had at 8:00 this morning. That wasn't the rough part, however. The rough part was the fact that I also had a final last nigh at 7-9. Yeah... so I pretty much didn't have nearly enough time to study as I would have liked but I think I still did relatively well, which is always a plus. I haven't talked to my mom yet today but I'm supposed to think of what I want for a birthday dinner. I'm having trouble deciding because I'm not really craving ONE specific thing. Oh yeah, and if there is anyone out there who reads this blog that I didn't already know about, my birthday is Friday so you should tell me happy birthday, mmmkay? I'll be 20 on Friday, December 15th at exactly 11:42 pm. Isn't that weird. My mom had my time of birth in my baby book and I was recently browsing through it. There is also my hand and feet prints and a tiny lock of my baby hair in a baggie. How sweet :) Oh, and there are few cards from my first birthday. The smell musty because the were in our basement but they are still so priceless. Casie is listening to salsa music. LA BAMBA!!!! Yeah Yeah, I like it too but I really have no idea what they are saying. I love this one christmas song. I believe that it is Mozart. Pachbel Cannon???? Something like that. It is usually played at weddings but regardless it is beautiful. It makes me tear up sometimes hahah. Softie??? yes. Nothing like christmas music and salsa mixing, eh? I wonder when we are going to open our presents. They look so irresistable just sitting here every night. Considering Casie and I are leaving Fridayish, it will either have to be tonight or tomorrow night. Either way..... *looks to make sure no one is around*... oh boy oh boy oh boyyyyy!!!! I wish I were related to Mozart,... really I do. I want to learn to play the violin. I have always wanted to learn that and the guitar at the same time. Who knows.. maybe even the sax??? I kind of get the idea of the sax though. Just way too many keys for my insignificant trumpet brain to handle. Alright. Enough rambling.

rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble

Tomorrow is my last final of the year. Biology too so that's not so good. I also think I have an A-ish grade so I hope I don't screw it up :(. Chemistry really gave me a bad outlook on my grades. That and physics but I have more faith in that one anyway. I've been asked to attend a concert at fusion friday night but we will see because apparently my presence is also requested at home for my b-day :x. It looks as though I may not be able to make both so I guess we will just have to see. Oh here it goes here it goes here it goes again.

upside down bouncing off the ceiling
Monday, December 11, 2006 // 9:22 PM
I just downloaded the newest version of internet explorer. Some aspects of it I like, but others I'm not so fond of. Like the fact that I can't look at mix underneath it. However, all I have to do is go under mozilla firefox and use it. So I guess it really doesn't matter to much other than I have to open up a new window. I had a feel that that was going to happen but I took a chance. I like this one because it makes the fonts a lot sharper and easier to read, as if they weren't already. It also allows you to open more than one tab with out navigating away from your current page. So yeah, I like that part. I just got done taking my physics final. I know I probably did horribly but I think that I did enough to get me by. At least I hope so. Tomorrow is my big Chemistry exam. I'm kind of stuck on this one because if I don't do well, I may have to take it OVER again. Oh sure sure, that's not too bad. Well, it is if this would be the second time you have taken it, making another retake being a 3rd. Sorry... ain't happenin. I never want to be in Chemistry 115 ever again. So Clay.. I don't know if I mentioned him before, turned out to be a real asshole. He abruptly stopped talking to me and Jade after we asked him if he wanted to join him for lunch. He was all smiles and said sure. Then the next day he just looked at us and that was it. From then on, he didn't even look in our direction, other than to peer up at his friend Nick or Adam. Finally, I got tired of this nonsense. I messaged him over facebook to find out why he was acting like this. His retort? He said that we were too touchy-feely and that we stared at him and he didn't like that. HUH? I have never laid a finger on him in my life. Neither have sat there and stared at him for long periods of time. I may have just happened to let my eyes wander for a few while I daydreamed and it looked like I was staring at him but he obviously won't take and apology. Whatever, I don't know need arrogant self-centered douche bags to talk to anyway. I sent him an apologetic note and Jade sent him a nasty note, so he got the best of both worlds. It wasn't even the fact that he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, he also deleted me from his friends. Now if that isn't a slap in the face?? I know I shouldn't get upset when someone deletes me but for some reason it strikes a nerve. I don't just delete someone because I'm upset with them and then furthermore say that they are weird??? Okay. Fuck him. Jade and I are cool with it.

Today I had an interesting experience. I was sitting around when I got to thinking about next years living arrangements. I really wanted to live with my cousin Ashley because I never get to see her and I thought it would be a cool experience. However, it seemed as though everytime I attempted to contact her, she wouldn't reply for days. So I finally sent her a message saying that I thought it in my best interests to stay where I'm at. That's not the only reason also. I have some serious business riding on my staying put. So I called down to the office and said that we were staying and we signed the lease papers and payed our annoying $17.50. When I get back, Ashley calls out of the blue. I was like... shit. She said that she had been looking around and thought of a few places to live. Now I felt like a real asshole. I had to tell her the whole story which she luckily understood. I don't want her to be angry with me because if she knew the whole story, I think she would have to done the same thing too. I offered her my assistance in anyway if she need help looking for a place. I also mentioned that my sister may be in need of a roommate because her current roommate is thinking of going to a different school because her mother offered to buy her a car if she did. Something about going in debt. Not that buying a car would put you in debt or anything.

So I finally got that all straightened out and it was down to business with studying. I had to take my test at 7:00 so I still had plenty of time to write out my cheat sheet and be done with it. 6:30 rolls around and I'm still not done. However, we had to be there at 6:40 sharp. Get there and I see that I had a text message from Matt asking what room. This was right as I was walking past him. Evidently he found the right room. I took my seat and the exam began. Oh and Professor Freamat decided he wanted to walk around the room and check everyone's cheat sheets for cheats??? Whatever. Took the exam realizing that I was probably going to die anyway. Got done with roughly 15 minutes to spare. That's the earliest I have ever been done with his tests so considering that was the final, that's probably not a good thing. Now Becky and I are trying to figure out where to go for dinner because we are both rather hungry. Plus we don't want to study for Chemistry. So yeah. Outie.

Almost done
Sunday, November 26, 2006 // 12:07 PM
So break is officially over and I'm getting ready to pack up and head back to Morgantown. After that upset yesterday, I'm not so sure that I want to face classes. I thought for sure they would at least beat USF but of course we get to cocky and lose it. Story of our lives right?

I haven't used this font in so long, I forgot it even existed. I'm not to fond of Times but whatever.

Break was not too bad. I mean, I didn't get anything accomplished except being lazy like always. I didn't do any homework but I did do some re-evaluating in some aspects. I have this friend (for all you who actually read this, it's not you, so don't worry) who is turning out to be a real debbie downer. All he does is bring me up and let me down really hard. I liked him, a lot, at one point but now I realize that they only reason he wanted to hang out with me was to get at my sister. Story of my life. I love my sister but sometimes I curse the fact that she is prettier than me. It just doesn't seem fair, however immature that sounds. I'm just more hurt with him. He was the only thing that I thought was real for a while, and now... yeah. So now, I have decided that it's time to concentrate on me. I have been neglecting my duties as a girl to be "girly." Oh sure, all of my friends will tell you have an unhealthy addiction to shoes. But I mean focusing on my studies and getting the right amount of sleep and listening to music all the time and enjoying the winter/summer/spring/fall or whatever. This is my time to be me. This is my season. I always seem to flourish in the winter cause that's just my favorite time of year. That is, until I get bored with it and decide that I want summer back.

So yeah, sorry to those of you whom I have offended by being distant or seemingly uncaring. That wasn't it. I was just merely distracted by someone who doesn't deserve it. I love all of you more than you will know and I'm so very happy that our paths have crossed. Without you.. I probably wouldn't be alive. Either that or just severely unhappy and thinking of jumping off my deck in a back tuck.

Let It Roll.....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 // 12:43 AM
So I wrote some earlier but I decided to finish up my day by actually finishing my day. It's hard for me too see this color of font on my screen cause it's white now, but it won't ben once I post it :). So I went to baristas by myself to work on some homework but I really wasn't very productive. I have trouble focusing. After that I drove to Keydash just for the heck of it. I was bored and felt kind of akward (not really depressed but not really happy either). I sat there on the picnic table for about 20 minutes talking to Todd on the phone. The I took off because it was way to cold and creepy out there by yourself. I drove around somemore; taking the long way to PC.. well actually I took and even longer way and ended up in Sistersville first. Then I came home and sat around for a bir waiting for my mommy to get home. She brought some dinner and we watched Mary Tyler Moore. I got kind of irritated with Shannon. She and her boyfriend of approx. 3 weeks broke up and she was kind of sad, which I understand. But then she was just going on and on about how she was so lonely and that it wouldn't really be any problem for her to find a new boyfriend. This is where I started getting perturbed. Here I am, single for over 4 years now and she has the nerve to sit there and say that it's easy. Yeah, right. She was kidding that she was just going to take Todd. i was like, "if you did that, then I would push both of you off a cliff." Okay, things with Todd. We aren't dating. We are just friends. And it's good that way. I almost completely screwed that one up about 2 months ago but I'm glad that we worked through it... or at least I did. Sometimes I get the vibe that he is into my sister, which wouldn't surprise me. Any guy that I like sees her and they instantly want to drop me and hang with her. However, the only thing that she has that I don't is skinniness. Sometimes I feel that I have a better personality but then again, whos to judge. The issue of weight constantly runs through my mind. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it at least 20934209 times. I just wish I had the will and the care for myself to actually do it. Maybe I need sent somewhere to prove to myself that I am worth, because honestly, I don't feel like I deserve anything. That's just my opinion. I owe it to myself to be better, but I just can't manage to return the favor. Oh well, that's it.

homework... or not homework
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 // 6:48 PM
Today has been absolutely disappointing. I haven't done anything. I only saw my mom for 20 minutes and then she had to go to work. I woke up today around 11:30 because Shannon said she was hungry and wanted food. Okay. So I got up and got my shower to get ready. I played a few rounds of Mario Kart w/ my brother when suddenly my sister left and went to NM. All she had to do was say something. I was WAITING FOR HER. So mom called me and said that she was in New Martinsville and I told her the whole story about waking up and waiting for her and blah blah blah blah. Mom was kind of confused why she did that too. But oh well. So Shannon called me and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up at Walmart. I said no. Josh and I ran down to Convenient to get some hamburger meat. I made hamburgers and that was our lunch. (mind you, this was at almost 2 o' clock.) I played MORE video games and now I'm trying to decide if I want to do my homework or not. It's physics... which makes me angry anyway. I hate doing it. I can never get a perfect score! EVER! Oh well, peace.

it's break, so why does it suck so much?
Sunday, November 19, 2006 // 9:41 PM
so far, my break has been pretty worthless... well, let me rephrase that. from now on, my break is going to be pretty worthless. friday i came home and we all went to choo choos later that night. alright, that's cool. then saturday morning i got my hair fixed and my mom and i ran to new martinsville to do some errand running and getting things ready for thanksgiving. came home, watch the OSU vs. MSU game, but halfway through I decided to go for a run. i was really surprised by how well i was doing. i jogged all the way to the other end of town, circling in and out of backroads and highway without really stopping. occasionally i had to stop to fix my headphones but i was then quickly on my way. i got all the way to 3rd ave, right in front of mr. bertozzi's house when i wasn't looking down and i hit a pothole. i was wearing my shox so of course my ankle just went limp. i slammed to the ground and scraped my knee really badly. worse off, i have obliterated what strength i had left in my right ankle. this isn't the first time i have done this. it's sooooo swollen and i can bearly walk on it. i can't straighten it, i can't flex my toes very well without forcing them against the ground, nothing. so tomorrow i think my mom is going to run me to new martinsville to go to the doctor and get it checked out. my dad thinks it is one of two things: i have either really really really badly sprained my ankle or i have broken a bone that was connected to a tendon and it is now completely dislocated from my fibula. either way, it sucks. and since thanksgiving break is only a week long, i'm going to have some serious trouble navigating my way around morgantown. we live sort of a distance from downtown so with crutches, it's going to take twice as long. i could just drive i guess, but i hate paying for parking, or better yet, finding a parking spot. i posted a comment on casie's blog not too long ago about how there is no simplicity in life. this just further more proves the fact that nothing is simple. i can't ever go on break and just have a good time, somthing always happens. ALWAYS. it's usually not good either. so maybe one day, just once, i will actually have something good happen to me. i can hope right?

Junior, WVU
See above and to the left
etc. etc.

Its my shit.


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